Hello! I’m Jarrod or Cookie or JRod. My running journey began in 2014 and after many solo 6-7 minute kilometers I started to get into group training, and have enjoyed being a part of several more and less formal running groups. Recently I’ve been involved with the Sumner Running Club as a committee member and club captain – the winter cross country and road program of local club running is always a treat. I’m an Athletics New Zealand registered Community Coach and have helped the lovely Sia Svendsen with some of her group training sessions. I also occasionally dabble in unorganised events. Some of my trail highlights include a taste of vertical racing in Europe, a well-executed 100kms of Northburn, a couple of podiums in local mud races, and experiencing some of the awesome backcountry running adventures that are all around us in NZ – many within a couple of hours of Otautahi! Outside of running I’m a keen group fitness participant and an aspiring improviser. More recently I’m pushing back on the ultramarathon hype, and really enjoying trail adventures in the 20-30 kilometre range, and some shorter, faster races too. I encourage everyone to do the events and distances that you love – no one is ever ‘just’ doing the shorter race. Let’s get the word ‘just’ out of running! Choose your own adventure and be proud of your goals!
See you on Thursday