Marty Lukes, another well-known face in our running community, has been running since he decided that it was safer than climbing mountains. His first event was the Avalanche Peak in 1996 and he hopes that there are plenty of challenges still to come.
He has covered the full spectrum of events from elite road World Championships 100 K racing ( 6 times NZ rep and a PB of 6 hr 46) and 5 times Buller Marathon winner (PB ‘thon 2:28) to grunty 100 Mile races like the Northburn ( two times winner and fastest kiwi). With 12 Keplers (including 3 wins) he knows a bit about loyalty and determination. He gets especially enthused with backcountry adventures and loves rogaines and self-created challenges. Check out The Craigieburn Round for some inspiration. If time allows, multisport and adventure racing ticks the boxes too.
Marty has always belonged to the Sumner Running Club which has had a long history of being an Adventure, Trail and Multisport style running club. He loves helping and passing on advice: whether learning to run or trying to get to the pointy end. As a Coach for Extra Mile Runners and guide for Goat Pass Guides, with Sia Svendsen, there isn’t much this dad doesn’t know. He reckons the biggest muscle in the body is between the ears so no excuses not to get out and about on Thursday nights!