I’ve had a runner in me since I can remember, from winning cross countries at primary school to athletics cups at high school (I’m just a tad older now). A friend introduced me to trail running a few years back and I have been hooked ever since. I love the Port Hills trails so much that I refused to buy a house more than 2km away!
People tend to know me for my guns as I am an avid gym-goer and can smash out a good press-up or two. I am a member of multiple gyms and yoga studios! Just a little bit obsessed!
A few highlights in my running profile have been: 2nd place Mt Somers half 2021, 2nd place Crater Rim half 2020, running a sub 1:30 at Buller half in 2020 and 2nd place Totara Trails 25km in 2018. I’ve run many races and always get a good place, but the goal is to get a win one day!
Recently I’ve taken an interest in obstacle races and am looking forward to the Spartan World Qualifier in May this year!
Outside of running and the gym, I am a bit of a foodie with a keen interest in diet and nutrition. Other than that I work and study as a Sonographer and spend the rest of my time with my lovely husband Mat, Greyhound Loui and our chickens!
I used to run on my own a lot, but now I prefer to have some company! I am very excited to take the lovely people who come to L2RT on some wee adventures!