Great Rubbish Clean Up
Let’s do our bit to help keep a small part of the Port Hills backyard clean!!
Live to Run Trail loves the Port Hills and we want to do our part to look after our favourite playground. After a small hiatus, we are bringing back our volunteer Rubbish Clean Ups on Saturday 17th June, from 1-3pm.
While the idea of picking up rubbish may not be the most exciting for many of us, it is important that we protect and care for the area that we spend so much of our time in. The event always turns out to be a lot of fun as we search through some off-trail areas and give them a well deserved tidy up! There are always some exciting finds, and interesting objects that have been discarded into the bushes.
Fiona, one of the wonderful Park Rangers from the Christchurch City Council will be on site to provide us with gloves, high viz jackets, rubbish bags and a health and safety breifing.
Click Here or use the map below for the meeting point at Victoria Park.
Bring your friends, your family, your neighbours, your work colleagues…..anyone you know!!!
Let’s do our part to keep the Port Hills beautiful.