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Thursday 26-05-2022

Thursday 26-05-2022

Hello trail running fam!

This week, Thursday the 26th of May, we will be meeting at the bottom of Bowenvale for a sweet run through some residential streets to reach a track leading up to Huntsbury track. There will be the option for the faster/further ones to go all the way to the top and back down to meet us at a track turning back down to Bowenvale.

Meet at 6ish, warm up at 6:10, leave at 6:15pm.

Bring your warm gear, H20, charged head torch etc.

It’s the last Thursday of the month, which means Moon Under Water at 7:30pm. Would love to see as many of you there as possible.

Thanks to our sponsors and partners for keeping this thing going ❤️

Fun times on the warped wall from the race on the weekend 👇